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Valtos & Caraidean

Episode 2 of 3

Valtos & caraidean aig Celtic Connections. Air a lìbhrigeadh le Megan NicGill-Fhaolain. Valtos and friends in concert for Celtic Connections. Presented by Megan MacLellan.

Ceòl agus còmhradh bho Valtos, an còmhlan folk eileagtronaigeach agus an caraidean ciùil aig cuirm ann an SWG3 mar phàirt de dh’fhèis Celtic Connections 2024. A’ cur taic ris an dithis ùr-ghnàthach seo tha Julie Fowlis, dithis a th’ air co-obrachadh leotha gu cunbhalach, Lana Pheutan is Eilidh NicCarmaig, agus còmhlain nas motha leithid Elephant Sessions agus Project Smok. Air a lìbhrigeadh le Megan NicGill-Fhaolain.

Electronic folk band Valtos and a host of musical friends in concert at SWG3 as part of Celtic Connections 2024. The innovative duo are joined by Julie Fowlis, regular collaborators Lana Pheutan and Eilidh NicCarmaig plus bigger groups including Elephant Sessions and Project Smok. Presented by Megan MacLellan.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

3 months left to watch

29 minutes
