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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 8

Ramsay MacMahon walks the length of Loch Arklet in the company of Kerry MacPhee. Tha Ramsay MacMahon a’coiseachd faid Loch Arcleit ann an cuideachd Kerry Nic a’ Phì.

Ramsay MacMahon walks along the banks of Loch Arklet in the Trossachs in the company of Kerry MacPhee, the first person from the Western Isles to qualify for the Commonwealth Games. Kerry reflects on her life and her journey to competitive cycling, from her upbringing on the island of South Uist to the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014.

As they walk alongside the loch, Kerry candidly talks to Ramsay about the highs and lows of a career in sport and she opens up about how personal loss informs her attitude towards life today. She talks about future challenges on the bike and about the area’s connection to Rob Roy.

Tha Ramsay MacMahon air bruaichean Loch Arcleit s na Tròisichean, a’coiseachd cuide ri Kerry Nic a’ Phì, a’ chiad neach bho na h-Eileanan Siar a fhuair troimhe gu Geamaichean a Chò-fhlaitheis. Tha Kerry a’meòmhrachadh air a beatha, bho h-àrach ann an Uibhist a Deas gu ìre cò-fharpaiseil le baidhsagal a ruighinn a thug cothrom dhith farpais aig Geamaichean a Chò-fhalitheis ann an Glaschu ann an 2014.

Fhad’s a tha iad a’coiseachd taobh na locha, tha Kerry gu saor-chritheach a’ bruidhinn mu na h-amannan subhach is dubhach an luib obair ann an spòrs agus a bhuaidh a thug a bròn pearsanta air a beachdan a’dol air adhart san latha an-diugh. Tha i a’còmhradh mu dè tha san amharc dhith leis a’ bhiadhsagal agus mun cheangal a th’ aig Rob Roy ris an sgìre.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Series Producer Faye MacLean
