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Oh no, I don’t want my brain to get wet!

Episode 8 of 26

Petit is afraid of putting his head under water, but what could be the reason?

Chan eil Peicein airson a cheann a chur fon uisge, oir ma chuireas, tha e cinnteach gun tèid eanchainn a fhliuchadh. Tha Lòra ag innse dha gu bheil i a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil an t-eagal air daibheadh fon uisge, is an saoghal iongantach aig bonn an amair fhaicinn.

Petit doesn't want to put his head under water because he's sure that if he does so, his brain will get wet. Laura tells him that she thinks he's afraid of diving and discovering the wonderful subaquatic world that lies at the bottom of the pool.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Kim Carnie
Various Calum MacAmhlaigh
Various Calum MacDonald
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacleΓ²id
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
