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La Mor nan Coisirean Sgireil

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ toirt thugaibh farpaisean nan còisirean sgìreil. Cathy MacDonald presents live choral competitions.

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh dà fharpais beò bho Mhòd Phàislig. Air Là Mòr nan Còisirean Sgìreil ann an Talla a’ Bhaile, bidh còisirean a’ strì airson am prìomh dhuais - Sgiath MhicShimidh agus Thulaich Bhàrdainn. B‘ e Còisir Ghàidhlig an Òbain a choisinn an duais ann am Peairt an-uiridh ach saoil am bi iad soirbheachail am bliadhna? Cuideachd bidh còisirean a’ farpais airson Cuach Cuimhneachan Mairead NicDhonnchaidh, a bhuannaich Coisir Ghàidhlig an Eilein Duibh ann an 2022.

Còmhla ri Cathy san stiùidio, bidh dithis eolaiche a’ toirt am beachdan air na còisirean bhon dà fharpais.
Anns a’ phrògram, chì sinn cuideachd cò a ghlèidh Cupa Ghàidhlig Ghrianaig airson Puirt a Beul, Geall-dùbhlain Esme Nic a’ Ghobhainn airson mnathan agus Sgiath Mhuile agus Idhe airson na fir.

Cathy MacDonald presents live coverage of the choral competitions from the last day of the Royal National Mòd in Paisley. The main competition from the Town Hall will feature choirs battling to win the Lovat and Tullibardine Shield, lifted last year by Oban Gaelic Choir. But will they be able to retain it this year? The programme also features the competition for The Margaret Duncan Memorial Trophy, last won by the Black Isle Gaelic Choir in Perth.

Along with Cathy to offer assessments on both competitions will be two analysts with a keen interest in, and knowledge of, choral music.

The programme also has the winners of the Greenock Gaelic Choir Cup for Puirt a Beul, the Esme Smyth Trophy for Ladies Voices and the Mull and Iona Shield for Men’s Voices.

3 hours, 29 minutes