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Buinn Oir an t-Seann Nois

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill le farpais a' Bhuinn Òir airson seinn san t-Seann Nòs. Cathy MacDonald presents live coverage of the Traditional Gold Medal competitions.

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh farpais a' Bhuinn Òir airson seinn san t-Seann Nòs beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann am Pàislig.
Cluinnear na seinneadairean a shoirbhich anns na farpaisean criochnachaidh na bu tràithe san latha air beulabh na britheamhan ann an Talla a’ Bhaile airson na buinn òir a ghleidheadh.

Còmhla ri Cathy san stiùidio, bidh dithis eòlaiche a’ toirt am beachdan air na farpaisich agus mar a thèid leotha. Cuideachd sa phrògram, gheibhear cothrom faicinn na còisirean a bhuannaich na prìomh dhuaisean aig là mòr nan còisirean dùthchail.

Cathy MacDonald presents live coverage of the Traditional Gold Medal competition from the Royal National Mod being held in Paisley.

Having progressed from the qualifying solo singing competitions earlier in the day, the leading men and women perform in front of the adjudicators in Paisley Town Hall to compete for the Traditional Gold Medals.

Along with Cathy, to offer assessments on the competitors will be two analysts with a keen interest in, and knowledge of, Gaelic music and song. Also featured on the show will be the successful rural choirs from competitions held earlier in the day.

2 hours, 29 minutes