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At the start of their mission in Saqqara, a team of Egyptian scientists get the impression that their excavation zone will be extremely rich.

Egyptian digs are full of unsolved mysteries, and amazing finds remain buried. Always looking for new discoveries, a team of Egyptian scientists embark on a three-month excavation to unravel remaining mysteries in Saqqara.

What they found is astounding: a completely intact burial complex deep under the sand at the foot of the pyramid of King Teti. Filled with treasures and exceptional artifacts, the site offers huge potential for Egyptologists.

We have exclusive access to this mission, using CGI, 2D computer graphics, 2D and 3D maps, X-ray analyses, along with live footage and interviews of international experts both in the laboratory and in the field. The series shows how the team was able to open each sarcophagus to investigate the mysteries of the necropolis and understand who was buried here more than 3,000 years ago.

Tha iomadh ceist ceangailte ri toglaichean Èipheiteach, agus tha tobhtaichean fhathast rin lorg. Daonnan a' sireadh nithean ùra, tha an sgioba eòlaichean Èipheiteach seo a' tòiseachadh iomairt trì mìosan a' sireadh fuasgladh air ceistean co-cheangailte ri Saqqara.

Agus tha na lorg iad iongantach: ionad tòrraidh slàn air a thiodhlacadh sa ghainmheach aig sàil pioramaid an Rìgh Teti. Air a lìonadh le ulaidhean is nithean sònraichte, tha an làrach a' tairgse cothroman air leth do dh'eòlaichean-Èiphit.

Le cothrom air an iomairt, a' cleachdadh ìomhaighean coimpiutair, mapaichean 2D is 3D, sgrùdadh X-ray, dealbhan beò is agallamhan le eòlaichean eadar-nàiseanta san obair-lann agus air an raon, tha an sreath a sealltainn mar a dh'fhosgail an sgioba gach ciste agus mar a rannsaich iad a' bhaile-mhairbh airson tuigse fhaighinn air cò a chaidh adhlacadh ann bho chionn còrr air 3,000 bliadhna.

54 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Editor Innes Macleod


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