, Oxfam at 75, Disability Travel
We hear from one man after his cruise of a lifetime cost him an extra £9000. Have you bought something online that hasn’t turned up or was completely different to what you ordered?
We hear from one man whose cruise of a lifetime ended up costing him an extra £9000. His luggage which contained vital medical supplies was lost by the airline, meaning the cruise operator wouldn’t let him board the ship. Roberto Castiglioni from Reduced Mobility Rights explains how travel operators need to have and better structure of support and communication for disabled customers.
As Oxfam turns 75 years old, they’re launching a campaign for more volunteers as the demand for charity shops increases. We hear from those who already help out in some of their stores and why Oxfam wouldn’t exist without the hard work and dedication from the volunteers.
And have you ever bought something online that hasn’t turned up or is completely different to what you expected? Well, as Christmas fast approaches online shopping scams are on the rise and we’re being warned not to be drawn into deals that look too good to be true.