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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 6

A look at the history and contemporary hand-crafted practice behind the artisan production of woven fabrics, such as wool, hemp, linen, grasses, leather and many more unorthodox materials.

Fillte goes on a journey throughout Scotland to discover the history and contemporary hand-crafted practice behind the artisan production of woven fabrics, such as wool, hemp, linen, grasses, leather and many more unorthodox materials.

Tha Fillte a gabhail turas tro Alba a’ sireadh eachdraidh agus sgeulachdan an latha ’n diugh co-cheangailte ris an luchd-ciΓΉird a tha snΓ¬omh β€˜s ag obrachadh diofar stuthan, leithid, clΓ²imh, corcach, anart, feur,leathar, agus iomadh seorsa stuth iongantach eile.

29 minutes
