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Partaidh Gun Fhios

Tha Cailean, Muireall agus Goraidh air diòchuimhneachadh mu cho-là-breith Ailig ach, aon uair ‘s gu bheil fios aca, tha iad ag ullachadh pàrtaidh sònraichte dha Cailean.

Muireall and Goraidh have forgotten it’s Ailig’s birthday, but once they’re aware of this, they arrange a special party for him.

14 minutes


Role Contributor
Aithris/Coinneach Iain Mackinnon
Cailean Anna Murray
Goraidh Ellen Macdonald
Muireall Mairi Morrison
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed
Writer John Carmichael
