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Bun-Chuis Na Gnost

Tha Muireall den bheachd gu bheil i math air seinn ach chan eil an Treubh ag aontachadh. Muireall thinks that she’s a good singer but the Farmyard Bunch don’t agree.

Chan eil guth seinn Mhuireall cho math ‘s a tha i a smaoineachadh ‘s tha an Treubh den bheachd gu bheil a guth dìreach sgràthail - tha ise den bheachd gu bheil iad farmadach. Tha cuirm dol a bhith ann ach ciamar a thèid dhi?

Muireall’s voice isn’t as good as she believes it is while the Farmyard Bunch think her singing is horrendous, but she thinks they’re just jealous. There’s going to be a concert, but how will she get on?

23 days left to watch

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Aithris/Coinneach Iain Mackinnon
Cailean/Tunnag Anna Murray
Goraidh/Tunnagan Ellen Macdonald
Muireall/Tunnagan Mairi Morrison
Ailig/Seann Spot Niall Iain MacDonald
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Alec MacDonald


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