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Coimpiutair Crostabad Computer

George finds a computer called Val in a skip. Only trouble is, Val has a mind of her own.

Tha Deòrsa a’ lorg coimpiutair air a bheil Ciorstaidh anns an sgudal. ’S e an aon trioblaid gu bheil Ciorstaidh coma is bidh i dèanamh na thogras i fhèin. Chan fhada gus a bheil Ciorstaidh air bhideo nàrach de Bheileag a chur suas air na meadhanan sòisealta. Tha e an urra ri Pòl a thoirt a-nuas, is feumaidh e dhol a-steach dhan saoghal didseatach airson sin a dhèanamh.

George finds a computer called Val in a skip. Only trouble is, Val has a mind of her own. Soon Val has set about uploading an embarrassing video of Betty on to social media. It’s up to Dave to remove it by entering the digital world.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
