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An Litir Bheag 877

Litir Bheag na seachdain sa le Ruairidh MacIlleathain. Litir àireamh 877. Roddy Maclean is back with this week's short letter for Gàidhlig learners.

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Wed 9 Mar 2022 22:55


An Litir Bheag 877

Ann an Nicaea, faisg air Constantinople, anns a’ bhliadhna trì cheud, fichead ʼs a còig (325), rinn muinntir nan Eaglaisean Crìosdail co-dhùnadh cudromach. Dh’aontaich iad mar a bhiodh iad a’ tomhas cuin a bhiodh a’ Chàisg ann a h-uile bliadhna.

Bhiodh i air a’ chiad Didòmhnaich an dèidh na gealaich làin a bha an dèidh co-fhad-thràth an Earraich. The first Sunday after the full moon that follows the Spring equinox. A’ chiad Didòmhnaich an dèidh na gealaich làin a bha an dèidh co-fhad-thràth an Earraich. Bhiodh a’ Chàisg a’ gluasad bho bhliadhna gu bliadhna. Agus bidh fhathast.

Cha robh sin na chùis deasbaid aig Seanadh Whitby ann an Northumbria ann an sia ceud, seasgad ʼs a ceithir (664). Bha an fheadhainn a bha a’ leantainn chleachdaidhean Ì (na ‘Ceiltich’) agus an fheadhainn a bha a’ leantainn nan cleachdaidhean Ròmanach (na ‘Ròmanaich’) aontaichte air na cùisean sin.

Bha diofar ann eatarra, ge-tà. Am measg nan diofaran, bha an latha air an tuiteadh co-fhad-thràth an Earraich. Bha sin a’ ciallachadh gun robh feadhainn uaireannan a’ cumail na Càisge aig diofar àm bho fheadhainn eile. Eadhon ged a bha iad a’ fuireach anns an aon sgìre.

Bha Rìgh Northumbria, Oswiu, airson ʼs gum biodh a h-uile duine a’ tarraing air an aon ràmh. Chuala an fheadhainn ann an Whitby na h-argamaidean. Bha manach Northumbrianach, Wilfrid, a’ seasamh cùis nan Ròmanach. Bha Easbaig Lindisfarne – Colman – a’ seasamh beachd nan Ceilteach. Bha esan na Ghàidheal Èireannach a lean air Fìonan mar Easbaig. 

Ro-làimh, dh’aontaich a h-uile duine gabhail ri co-dhùnadh an Rìgh. Agus thug an Rìgh taic do na Ròmanaich. Dh’fhàg Colman Lindisfarne agus thill e a dh’Alba. An uair sin thill e a dh’Èirinn. Chuir e manachainn air chois ann an Innis Bò Finne far taobh an iar na h-Èireann.

Cha do sheas na Ceiltich an aghaidh co-dhùnadh Whitby anns an ùine fhada. Bhiodh na h-eaglaisean uile, air taobh an iar na Roinn Eòrpa, a’ leantainn na h-aon dòigh airson ceann-latha na Càisge a chomharrachadh. Ach, tro thìde, bhiodh atharrachadh anns a’ mhìosachan fon Phàp Griogar. Agus bhiodh sgaradh ùr ann. Ach ʼs e sgeul eile a tha sin!

The Little Letter 877

In Nicaea, near Constantinople, in the year 325, the people of the Christian Churches made an important decision. They agreed how they would work out when Easter would be every year.

It would be on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the Spring equinox. The first Sunday after the full moon that follows the Spring equinox. The first Sunday after the full moon that follows the Spring equinox. Easter would move from year to year. It still does.

That wasn’t a matter of debate at the Synod of Whitby in Northumbria in 664. Those who were following practices of Iona (the ‘Celts’) and those who were following the Roman practices (the ‘Romans’) were agreed on those matters.

There was a difference between them, however. Among the differences was the day on which the Spring Equinox would fall. That meant that some people sometimes commemorated Easter at a different time from others. Even though they lived in the same area.

The King of Northumbria, Oswiu, wanted everybody to agree. Those at Whitby heard the arguments. A Northumbrian monk, Wilfrid, represented the Roman point of view. The Bishop of Lindisfarne – Colman – was representing the view of the Celts. He was an Irish Gael who followed Finan as Bishop.

Beforehand, everybody agreed to accept the decision of the King. And the King supported the Romans. Colman left Lindisfarne and returned to Scotland. Then he returned to Ireland. He established a monastery in Inishbofin off the west coast of Ireland.

The Celts did not stand out against the decision of Whitby in the long term. All of the churches in Western Europe would be following the same way of marking the date of Easter. But, in time, there would be a change in the calendar under Pope Gregory. And there would be a new disruption. But that’s another story!


  • Sun 6 Mar 2022 14:30
  • Wed 9 Mar 2022 22:55

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The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

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