A reflection and prayer to start the day with Catherine De Souza, Senior Leader of City Church in Cardiff.
A reflection and prayer to start the day with Catherine De Souza, Senior Leader of City Church in Cardiff.
Good morning. Next week I’ll be watching a filmed recording of my daughter’s first school nativity, after the school took the decision not to hold performances with parents attending in person. Earlier this year many of us would have expected this Christmas to be much more normal than last year. Many might reasonably have hoped to return to our familiar Christmas celebrations. But instead, we might now not be sure what to expect.
For lots of people Christmas brings a variety of expectations; some people look forward to celebrations and fun, perhaps waking up excited about the day and hopefully receiving a present that they like. Other people expect to experience sadness and grief as Christmas is a stark reminder of the loved one who is no longer with them to join the celebrations. Still others expect it to be a stressful time when they get to the end of the day worn out after mediating between family members who didn’t really want to spend the day together.
We’re now in a time of advent which for Christians is a time of anticipation, of expectation. It’s a time of preparing our hearts for Jesus. For 100s of years, God had spoken through the prophets to tell people to expect their messiah, the one who would come to save them. And when this messiah was born, the angel said to the shepherds “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.â€
Whatever we are expecting this Christmas, whatever uncertainty we might be in, we can be confident that Christmas can be a season of great joy because Jesus the Messiah has been born.
God, thank you that in times of uncertainty we know that you are unchanging. Thank you that no matter what we are expecting this Christmastime, we can expect joy as we celebrate the wonderful news that you are not distant but instead that you came to be God with us, Emmanuel. Amen.