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Episode 2

This episode includes musical stars Aly Bain, Emmylou Harris, Mary Chapin Carpenter, John Martyn and Kathy Mattea.

Sreath ùr. Julie Fowlis le taghadh ciùil bho Transatlantic Sessions, prògraman a choisinn cliù shònraichte thairis air dà dheichead. Tha luchd-ciùil ainmeil às an Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Èirinn agus na Stàitean Aonaichte a’ nochdadh anns an dàrna program de Transatlantic Sessions: Dlùth an Dàimh, agus nam measg sin bidh Aly Bain, Emmylou Harris, Mary Chapin Carpenter, John Martyn agus Kathy Mattea.

Chì luchd-leantainn Transatlantic Sessions taisbeanadh de “May You Never” bho John Martyn agus Kathy Mattea, agus “Trouble in the Fields” air a sheinn le Maura O’Connell agus Nancy Griffith. Bidh Aly Bain a’ stiùireadh dreach beòthail de “Waiting for the Federals” agus a’ toirt a’ phrògram gu crìch le “Ashokan Farewll” còmhla ri charaid ciùil Jay Ungar.

Julie Fowlis presents highlights from two decades of the legendary music show Transatlantic Sessions. This episode has musical stars from the UK, Ireland and the US, including Aly Bain, Emmylou Harris, Mary Chapin Carpenter, John Martyn and Kathy Mattea.

Fans of Transatlantic Sessions can see John Martyn and Kathy Mattea perform “May You Never” and Maura O’Connell and Nancy Griffith singing “Trouble in the Fields”. Further highlights include Aly Bain leading a rousing performance of “Waiting for the Federals” and closing this programme with musical partner Jay Ungar and “Ashokan Farewell.”

In Gaelic with English subtitles

14 days left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Julie Fowlis
Executive Producer Alasdair MacCuish
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron


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