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Là na Gàire/Happy Faces Day

When Fox notices that Owl feels gloomy and bored, he invents a new holiday to cheer him up.

Tha Sionnach a’ toirt an aire gu bheil Comhachag car stùirceach, agus tha e a’ cruthachadh saor-là ùr airson a chur ann an deagh thriom. Là na Gàire! Tha e a’ sgrìobhadh cairtean dha na caraidean gu lèir agus a’ toirt cuireadh dhaibh gu pàrtaidh anns a’ ghàrradh aige. Ge-tà, tha Comhachag ga thogail ceàrr agus tha iomagain air gun do dhìochuimhnich e mu Là na Gàire. Ciamar a dh’iarras e mathanas air Sionnach?

When Fox notices that Owl feels gloomy and bored, he invents a new holiday to cheer him up: Happy Faces Day! Fox draws cards for all his forest friends and invites them to a party in his garden. But Owl misunderstands and gets very worried: how can he make it up to Fox for forgetting all about Happy Faces Day?

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
