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Là na Gàire/Happy Faces Day

When Fox notices that Owl feels gloomy and bored, he invents a new holiday to cheer him up.

Tha Sionnach a’ toirt an aire gu bheil Comhachag car stùirceach, agus tha e a’ cruthachadh saor-là ùr airson a chur ann an deagh thriom. Là na Gàire! Tha e a’ sgrìobhadh cairtean dha na caraidean gu lèir agus a’ toirt cuireadh dhaibh gu pàrtaidh anns a’ ghàrradh aige. Ge-tà, tha Comhachag ga thogail ceàrr agus tha iomagain air gun do dhìochuimhnich e mu Là na Gàire. Ciamar a dh’iarras e mathanas air Sionnach?

When Fox notices that Owl feels gloomy and bored, he invents a new holiday to cheer him up: Happy Faces Day! Fox draws cards for all his forest friends and invites them to a party in his garden. But Owl misunderstands and gets very worried: how can he make it up to Fox for forgetting all about Happy Faces Day?

11 days left to watch

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions


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