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Reclaiming the Bridgetower Sonata

Restoring the life of George Bridgetower to history - mixed-raced violin virtuoso and muse to Beethoven.

George Bridgetower was a mixed-race violin virtuoso, patronised by royalty, a pupil of Haydn and friend of Beethoven - who was so inspired by Bridgetower that he wrote one of his greatest pieces for him - the Sonata Op.47. But the work is known today as the Kreutzer Sonata, because of a subsequent dedication to a French aristocrat who never even played it.

Chi-chi Nwanoku OBE, world renowned double bassist, founder of Chineke! Orchestra and tireless campaigner for racial equality in the music world, goes on a journey to find out more about Bridgetower's life, why - or whether - he fell out with Beethoven, and campaigning to restore Beethoven's original dedication to the Sonata that he premiered. She enlists the help of superstar violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, violinist/conductor Richard Tognetti and rising star American violinist Randall Goosby, as well as former US Poet Laureate Rita Dove (who has written poetry about Bridgetower) and composer Julian Joseph (who has written a jazz opera about Bridgetower). Other contributors include cultural historian Simon Heffer, Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert of Beethoven Haus, John Gilhooly, Artistic Director of Wigmore Hall, and Kathryn Knight, President of Edition Peters.

Produced by Graham Rogers

Available now

44 minutes


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