Episode 1
Air beulaibh 50,000 neach-leantainn, cuirm-chiùil soraidh slà n Runrig bho 2018. In front of 50,000 fans, Scottish rock band Runrig’s 2018 poignant farewell concert.
50,000 neach-leantainn a’ dèanamh air Sruighlea gus ciurm-ciùil slà n Runrig 2018 fhaicinn, a’ comharrachadh deireadh cùrsa-beatha soirbheachail 45-bliadhna. Cothrom a’ chuirm-chiùil fhaicinn air fad, le aoighean leithid Julie Fowlis agus Duncan Chisholm a thuilleadh air Còisir Ghà idhlig Ìle Ghlaschu.
50,000 fans descend on Stirling to watch much-loved Scottish rock band Runrig’s 2018 poignant farewell concert, marking the end of a successful 45-year career. The concert in full with guests including Julie Fowlis, Duncan Chisholm and the Glasgow Gaelic Islay Choir.
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