A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rev Dr. Joel Edwards
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rev Dr. Joel Edwards
Good Morning.
Chris used to be my professional coach when I was director for a Christian organisation. As a leader and pastor, I learned a lot from Chris. This had something to do with the fact that much of his insights were drawn from his experience as a sailor.
For example, he suggested that reaching one’s ‘desired outcome’ – what we often call ‘vision’, is seldom achieved in a predictable progression of predetermined big steps into the future. In reality he said, most of us get to our final destination as the winds of opportunity and opposition direct our short-term goals.
Frankly, this was quite a blow to my linear world and totally contrary to my infrequent Dover to Calais expeditions.
But for many of us battling with our big plans, it’s bound to sound familiar.
What now seems like a very long time ago, our escape from Covid-19 to the shores of normality felt like a very straight-forward proposition. As we feel our way toward re-opening Britain and our lives again, it’s been with the clear recognition that the road to recovery has not been in a straight line.
Happy are those who have hopped, skipped and jumped into the future. But for most of us life has been anything but straightforward.
And those of us who claim to follow Christ, must also learn that God doesn’t always walk in a straight line.
Heavenly Father,
In this Holy Week, give us strength and courage to meet the unexpected.
Today, we think especially of those for whom these past 12 months have been filled with so many detours.
And give creativity to those who must find another way to live.