Episode 8
Rhona Dougall and Aonghas MacNeacail recommend two books of special interest to them.
Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheà rr leotha. An t-seachdain-sa, ‘s iad Rhona Dougall às an Òban agus Aonghas MacNeacail às an Eilean Sgitheanach a bhitheas a’ moladh dà leabhar a chòrd riuthasan.
‘S ann air an à rd-ùrlar a tha Rhona a‘ dèanmah a beòshlainte còmhla ri Theatre gu Leòr. Thagh i an dà leabhar The Buddha of Suburbia le Hanif Kureshi agus The God of Small Things le Arundhati Roy.
Bidh Aonghas, a chaidh a thogail san Eilean Sgitheanach ach tha an-diugh a‘ fuireach sna Crìochan, a’ sgrìobhadh bà rdachd ann an Gà idhlig agus ann am Beurla. ’S e An Tuil a‘ chiad leabhar aigesan, leabhar le bà rdachd Ghà idhlig a chaidh a dheasachadh le Raghnall Mac Ille Dhuibh. An dà rna leabhar a tha e a‘ moladh ’s e Quines le Gerda Stevenson.
Aig deireadh a’ phrògram, bidh Rhona agus Aonghas a’ taghadh dè an leabhar ‘s fheà rr leotha a-mach às na ceithir leabhraichean a bha iad a’ beachdachadh air.
Anna Macleod chats with Rhona Dougall and Aonghas MacNeacail who discuss books of special interest to them. Rhona is from Oban and makes her living working on the stage with the company Theatre gu Leòr. She recommends two books - The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureshi and The God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy.
Born in Skye but now living in the Borders, Aonghas has written poetry in Gaelic and English for many years. He has chosen two books of Poetry. An Tuil: Anthology of Twentieth Century Scottish Gaelic Poetry, edited by Ronald Black. Gerda Stevenson’s book Quines: Poems in Tribute to Women of Scotland is his second choice.
At the end of the show, each guest is tasked with choosing which of the four books they would like to take home with them.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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'S e 'The Buddha of Suburbia' a' chiad taghadh aig Rhona
Duration: 02:27
Tha Aonghas a' leughadh earrann bho 'Quines' le Gerda Stevenson
Duration: 02:47
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Anna Macleod |
Interviewed Guest | Rhona Dougall |
Interviewed Guest | Aonghas MacNeacail |
Executive Producer | JJ MacIsaac |
Producer | Rebecca MacLennan |
Director | John Smith |
Production Manager | Mairi Mackinnon |
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