Bach to Basics
In the third of this five-part series, John carefully selects pieces of music by Ludwig van Beethoven to illustrate the life and legacy of the composer.
Glacann John Toal ar thuras trà cheol claisiceach muid, ag roinnt a chuid saineolais agus paisin do chuid de na cumadóirà claisiceacha is fearr a bhà ann ariamh. Sa trÃú clár sa tsraith chúig-pháirt seo, roghnaÃonn John pÃosaà ceoil de chuid Ludwig van Beethoven a léirÃonn saol agus oidhreacht an chumadóra.John Toal takes us on a special journey through classical music, sharing his knowledge and passion for some of the greatest classical composers in history. In the third of this five-part series, John carefully selects pieces of music by Ludwig van Beethoven to illustrate the life and legacy of the composer.