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In 1935, the Nazi government adopts the Nuremberg Laws which discriminate against Jewish citizens.

11 November 1918. The Great War is finally over. A new era is about to start. Amidst the grief, disappointment and old fears, new dreams and hopes are now emerging, but so too are new hatreds.

β€œClash of Futures” explores the dramatic era of the 1920s and β€˜30s following the fates of extraordinary men and women using their own diary entries, letters and memoirs. These are people drawn into the war by their convictions, who with their loves and decisions bring the history of Europe with all its contradictions to life.

In 1935, the Nazi government adopts the Nuremberg Laws which discriminate against Jewish citizens. In Spain, right-wing generals under Francisco Franco take power from the leftist government in a coup d'Γ©tat. Hitler and Mussolini support Franco, while young volunteers flock from across Europe. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin allows opponents to be brutally tortured and murdered.

11 Samhain, 1918. Tha An Cogadh MΓ²r seachad mu dheireadh thall. Toiseach linn ΓΉr. Am measg caoidh, briseadh-dΓΉil agus seann eagail, tha bruadair is dΓ²chas a' nochdadh Γ s ΓΉr, ach tha agus fuathan ΓΉra cuideachd.

Tha "Eadar Na Dhà" a' toirt sùil air na ficheadan 's na tritheadan, a' leantainn sgeulachdan fir is mnathan sònraichte tro na leabhraichean-latha, litrichean is aithrisean aca fhèin. Tharraing na beachdan aca an fheadhainn seo dhan chogadh agus tha sgeulachd nan co-dhùnaidhean is nan gràdhan aca a' toirt sealladh air eachdraidh thoinnte na h-Eòrpa.

Ann an 1935, tha riaghaltas nan Nàsach a' reachdachadh Laghan Nuremberg, a tha a' dèanamh leth-bhreith an aghaidh Iùdhaich. San Spàinn, fo stiùireadh Francisco Franco, tha seanalairean air an làimh-dheas a' gabhail cumhachd ann an rèabhlaid. Tha Hitler is Mussolini a' cur taic ri Franco is tha òglaich bho air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa a' dèanamh air an Spàinn. San Aonadh Shovietach, tha Joseph Stalin a' ceadachadh ciùrradh is murt.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Tormod Macleod
Narrator Fiona Maclennan
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
