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Ceòl Gàidhealach 's Ceilteach bho leithid Karen NicMhathain, Salsa Celtica, Aimee NicEanruig agus Tidelines. Mairead MacLennan with a pre-recorded programme of Celtic music.

Ceòl Gaidhealach 's Ceilteach an-diugh còmhla ri Mairead NicIllinnein. Anns a' phrògram-sa a chaidh a chlàradh ron àm, cluinnear òrain agus pìosan ciùil bho leithid Karen NicMhathain, Tidleines, Amy NicEanruig, Hò-rò agus Salsa Celtica.
Gaelic and Celtic music presented today by Mairead MacLennan. In this pre-recorded episode, you will hear tracks from Karen Matheson, Tidleines, Amy Henderson, Hò-rò and Salsa Celtica.

Release date:

1 hour, 57 minutes