Green in spirit but not in practice? Do we all want someone else to save the world?
Green in name only - are many of us guilty of expressing concern about the environment while believing it's someone else's job to do something about it?
Saving the world - are many of us guilty of expressing concern about the environment while believing it's someone else's job to do something about it?
Closing the door on celibacy? As the Vatican appears to be moving, albeit slowly, towards a major change, we talk to a woman who's married to a priest about the realities of mixing family life with pastoral duties.
And taken out for the summer to work in the farm, put back into the mental institution for the winter. A history of psychiatry in Ireland.
Last on
An epidemic of mental hospitals
Duration: 08:35
Married to a Catholic Priest
Duration: 07:20
- Sun 30 Jun 2019 08:30Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Ulster & Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Foyle