Episode 2
In this upcycling series, Shona Masson helps John McDiarmid convert an old suitcase into a hip bathroom cabinet. She also makes bunting from shells and a bath mat from old towels.
Shona Masson is on a mission not only to reduce waste but to create exciting new things as she does it.
Shona visits the DEBRA store, where she finds an old suitcase and then helps John McDiarmid transform it into a hip bathroom cabinet using wallpaper and some old pieces of wood. She also makes bunting from shells she found on the beach and a colourful bath mat from towels that have seen better days.
Tha Shona Masson a’cur roimhpe sgudal a’lùghdachadh – agus rudan inntinneach ùra a chruthachadh leis.
Tha i a’lorg seann mhà ileid ann am bùth carthannais DEBRA, agus a’cuideachadh Iain MhicDhiarmaid ga atharrachadh gu tur – gu preasa spaideil dhan t-seòmar nighe, gun dad a cur ris ach pà ipear-balla agus pìos no dha fiodha. Tha i cuideachd a’dèanamh fleasg le sligean a chruinnich i fhèin air an trà igh, agus ruga bog airson taobh an amair a seann searbhadairean caithte.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
A' cur dreach ùr air seann shearbhadairean
Duration: 05:11
- Mon 27 May 2019 20:30
- Fri 31 May 2019 20:30
- Tue 14 Jan 2020 20:30