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Siberia - Suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe gu sgoil. The extreme dangers faced by Siberia's children as they journey to school each day.

An t-Γ ite as fhuaire air thalamh, ach gach madainn, bidh fiΓΉ 's a' chlann as Γ²ige, aois a sia, a' coiseachd dhan sgoil, a' siubhal tro fhuachd caogad ceum Celsius fo Γ¬re reothaidh. Chan eil an seo ach an Γ bhaist do mhuinntir Oymyakon.

Tha seo fìor cuideachd dhan teaghlach Krivoshapkin agus am mac, Sascha. Seach gu bheil tuathanas an teaghlaich iomadh cilemeatair bhon sgoil, coltach ri iomadach tuathanas eile, bidh e a' dèanamh an turais ann an dà cheum.

It's one of the coldest parts of the world, nevertheless every morning Siberian children march to school, even the youngest at just six years old, making their way in temperatures of -50C.

The extreme living conditions are completely normal for the residents of Oymyakon. This is also true for the Krivoshapkin family and their son Sascha. Since the family’s farm, like many others here, is many kilometers from the school, he does the journey to school in two stages.

50 minutes
