Music festivals, Argos, Social media influencers
Consumer news and issues, including the music fans who want refunds after attending festivals that were dangerous and badly organised.
Recent Liam Gallagher and Queens of the Stone Age concerts in Finsbury Park have been criticised by fans who say they were badly organised, they had to queue hours for the bars and water taps; as well as being dangerously overcrowded. It's not the first time You and Yours has reported on poorly organised festivals - can fans ever get their money back if the event isn't up to scratch?
Unilever, one of the biggest advertisers in the world, says it's taking a stand against social media influencers who try to cheat the system by buying followers, likes and shares. We speak to Neil Waller from the influencer marketing platform, Whaler; and Instagram influencer Melanie Arsmden on how being an influencer works.
Argos celebrates its 45th birthday this week. Why has no other shop copied the Argos formula? Peter White speaks to Chief Executive John Rogers.
Trading Standards unveils how its new scheme to block nuisance calls for vulnerable people has worked.
Property Consultancy Colliers has released a new report on how to save the high street, with one suggestion asking landlords to base rents on a business' turnover. Will landlords be prepared to take the risk?
And, the house modified and designed for people with dementia. The builders hope it can be copied so more people can stay at home instead of going into care.
Presenter: Peter White
Producer: Lydia Thomas.
Last on
Several supermarkets have had to recall their products because of a Listeria outbreak.
Duration: 04:05
Music Festivals
People attending music festivals in Finsbury park say they are badly organised.
Duration: 07:47
Argos at 45
Argos is celebrating it 45th birthday this year. We interview the Chief Executive.
Duration: 06:03
Influencer Advertising
Big brands say they're going to be more cautious advertising through social media stars.
Duration: 06:40
Dementia Friendly House is developing adaptations that will help people with dementia.
Duration: 05:21
Business Rents
Colliers has unveiled a "radical" approach to leasing to help Britain's retail sector.
Duration: 07:24
- Fri 6 Jul 2018 12:15Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4