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Episode 9

Episode 9 of 10

John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. In this episode, John hears Murdo Morrison's account of being in New York during the 2001 terror attacks.

Tha Iain Moireasdan a' còmhradh ri Murchadh Moireasdan mu na h-ionnsaighean ceannairc air na Stàitean Aonaichte air 11 Sultain, 2001. Bha Murchadh agus a bhean ann an New York nuair a sgèith ceannaircich Al Qaeda dà itealan coimearsalta a-steach gu dà thùr a' World Trade Centre. Theab Murchadh a bhith ann am fear de na tùran air madainn na h-ionnsaighean.

Thàinig dà itealan a-nuas cuideachd ann am Virginia agus Pennsylvania agus chaill faisg air 3 mìle neach am beatha. Tha Murchadh ag innse mu mar a chaidh e fhèin agus a bhean suas gu mullach fear de na tùran an latha ro na h-ionnsaighean airson dealbhan den bhaile a thogail. Leis gu robh i caran sgòthach, cho-dhùn e gun tilleadh e an ath mhadainn leis an dùil gum biodh an t-sìde na b' fheàrr. Mar a thachair, bhuail a' chiad itealan an tùr mas d' fhuair Murchadh cothrom tilleadh.

John Morrison hears Murdo Morrison's account of being in New York during the terror attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001. Murdo narrowly avoided being in the towers when the first plane struck. Two planes were also brought down in Virginia and Pennsylvania and, in total, almost 3,000 people died.

Murdo recounts how he and his wife went sightseeing to the top of one of the towers the day before the attacks to take some photographs. Because the weather conditions were overcast, he decided he would return the following morning in the hope of clearer views. As it happened, the first plane struck the Twin Towers before Murdo set out.

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter John Morrison
