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Pàdraig Post agus Armachd an Rìgh

Tha deise-puist car annasach air PΓ draig an-diugh. Pat is excited to have been asked to pick up medieval memorabilia for a special school project.

Tha Pàdraig air bhioran 's aige ri stuth meadhan-aoiseach a thogail 's a thoirt chun na sgoile. Ge-tà, tha an gnothach a' fàs car dùbhlanach nuair a dh'fheuchas e air èideadh rìdire... nach fhaigh e air a thoirt dheth!

Pat is excited that he has been asked to pick up medieval memorabilia for a special school project. However, his excitement gets the better of him and he tries on a suit of armour that he can't then remove.

15 minutes


Role Contributor
Producer Cathy MacDonald
