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Traisg is Càisg/The Season of Lent

Episode 14 of 21

Documentary examining Lent, one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar for those belonging to the Western Isles' Catholic communities.

Ann an coimhearsnachdan Caitligeach nan eileanan an Iar, 's e tachartas cudromach a th' anns a' Charghas ann am mìosachan nan Criosdaidh. Ged a tha Àm a' Charghais air aithneachadh ann an iomadach eaglais agus creideamh air feadh an t-saoghail, tha iad a' comharrachadh tachartasan eachdraidheil a tha nam bun-stèidh dhen chreideamh Chaitligeach. Ach dè an t-eòlas a th' aig daoine air na tachartasan seo, ciamar a tha iad a' ceangal ri chèile, agus dè a tha Àm a' Charghais a' ciallachadh dha daoine san là an-diugh?

In the Western Isles' Catholic communities, Lent is an important date in the Christian calendar. Although observed in many churches and faiths throughout the world, Lent focuses on the historical events which are the basis of the Catholic faith. But what is known of these events, how do they relate to each other, and what does Lent mean for people today?

50 minutes
