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Muc nam Measg/Dodgy Lodger

Children's series. When one of the pigs attempts to make friends with Timmy, his cohorts evict him as punishment for un-pig-like behaviour.

Nuair a dh'fheuchas aon de na mucan càirdeas a thogail le Timmy, tha na caraidean aige fhèin ga thilgeil a-mach mar pheanas mì-mhodh. Tha na caoraich ga thoirt a-steach dhan t-sabhal airson cruth-atharrachadh a dhèanamh air, ach a bheil fios aca cò dìreach a tha iad air a leigeil a-steach dhan taigh aca?

When one of the pigs attempts to make friends with Timmy, his cohorts evict him as punishment for un-pig-like behaviour. The sheep take him into the barn, and attempt to transform him into the epitome of porcine sophistication - but do they really know who they have invited into their home?

7 minutes


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