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Clann-nighean nan Taighean-Γ²sda/Highland Hotel Ladies

Episode 7 of 19

Documentary journeying back to Scotland in the 50s and 60s, a time when many young women from the Scottish islands headed to the mainland to work in hotels across the country.

Dh'fhalbh mòran de chlann-nighean òg bho na h-eileanan gu tir-mòr a dh'obair ann an taighean-òsda air feadh Alba. 'S gun ach glè bheag de dh'obair ri fhaighinn aig an taigh, cha robh dà dhòigh air dha mòran, ach bha cuid eile a' leantainn ann an ceumannan nan nigheanan a bu shine gu saoghal ùr tarraingeach. Cluinnear sgeulachdan bho chuid dhiubh, agus ged a bha pailteas de dh'obair chruaidh ann gun teagamh, bha plòidh gu leòr ann cuideachd.

The 50s and 60s saw many young women from the islands in Scotland head to the mainland to work in hotels all over the country. For many there was no choice, with little work on offer at home, while others followed older girls to an exciting, new life. We hear the stories of some of the hotel girls, and while there was plenty of hard work, there was also time for some fun as well!

58 minutes
