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Tiodhlac Ghosta/Gosta's Gift

Episode 4 of 19

Documentary following Swedish photographer Gosta Sandberg as he retraces the footsteps of his 1977 visit to the Western Isles.

Ann an 2017 chuir an saoghal mòr eadar-nàiseanta fàilte air fosgladh oifigeil Museum nan Eilean agus goireas ùr, Tasglann nan Eilean, aig Caisteal Leòdhais. Ceudan de mhìltean air falbh ann am baile beag san t-Suain thug naidheachd an taigh-tasgaidh buaidh àraid air aon duine gu sònraichte. Ann an 1977, bha an dealbhadair camara, Gosta Sandberg air tadhal air na h-Eileanan an Iar far na thog e còrr is ceud dealbh. Iomhaighean iongantach de dhaoine agus àitichean.

As dèidh 40 bliadhna rinn Gosta inntinn an-àirde tilleadh gu taobh siar na h-Alba aon uair eile, agus choinnich e ris an dealbhadair òg Leòdhasach, Fiona Rennie. Tha ùidh mhòr cuideachd aig Fiona ann a bhith a' togail dhealbhan de dhaoine nan àite. Lean Gosta agus Fiona an uairsin a chuid ceumannan as ùr son an tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu na daoine agus na h-àitichean a bha nan dealbhan.

In 2017, the official opening of Museum nan Eilean and a brand new archive, Tasglann nan Eilean, at Lews Castle generated worldwide publicity. Hundreds of miles away in a small village in Sweden news of the new museum struck a chord with one man in particular. In 1977, the photographer Gosta Sandberg had visited the Western Isles, and took more than 100 photos - striking images of both people and place.

Forty years on Gosta decided to head for the Scottish west coast once more, joined by young Lewis photographer Fiona Rennie who shares Gosta's interest in taking pictures of people and place. Gosta and Fiona retrace his footsteps as they seek to find out more about the people and places he had photographed. Gosta's Gift - a remarkable and moving story of how a unique and striking set of images found their way back to the Western Isles.

59 minutes
