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William Crawley has been to America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, now he returns to home soil to find out what the stories he heard reveal about the Ulster-Scots diaspora.

Over four years and across seven hours of television William Crawley has travelled to America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to tell the stories of some remarkable Ulster-Scots men and women who made their mark in the New World. Now he returns to home soil to find out what those stories reveal about the Ulster-Scots diaspora as a whole and how the loss of sons and daughters, neighbours and friends over generations has made emigration part of our story and of this world, Back Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ.

Available now

45 minutes

Last on

Sat 1 Sep 2018 18:05


Role Contributor
Presenter William Crawley
Director Jane Magowan
Producer Laura Doherty
Production Company DoubleBand Productions


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