Episode 3
Avril Irvine looks after helicopter flights at Sumburgh but an unusual thick fog has enveloped the airport and the rigs offshore, which is playing havoc with the schedules.
Anns an t-sreath-sa bidh sinn a' faighinn a-mach dè a tha a' dol air adhart air cùl ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na Gà idhealtachd is nan Eilean tro shùilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta, agus bidh sinn a' coinneachadh feadhainn eile a bhios a' sgèith airson spòrs. An t-seachdain-sa, aig port-adhair East Fortune ann an Lodainn an Ear, 's e itealan annasach a chì thu - am microlight. 'S gann gu bheil dòigh nas fheà rr ann airson na seallaidhean fhaicinn bhon adhar, 's e sin ma sheasas do stamag ris! Tha Avril Irvine a' coimhead às dèidh na heileacoptairean an-diugh aig Port-Adhair Sumburgh ann an Sealtainn. Ach, tha ceò mun cuairt a' phuirt-adhair agus na crainn-ola, agus tha sin a' cuir bacadh air cùisean. Agus aig Port-adhair Dhùn Dè bidh iad ag ionnsachadh pìleatan ùra aig Tayside Aviation. Ach tha am plèana as fhèarr leis an stiùiriche Jim Watt gu math nas seana - am Bird Dog.
This series gives viewers a behind-the-scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and islands, through the eyes of the people who work there, and we also meet some people who take to the skies for leisure.
It's not the usual light aircraft you are likely to see at East Fortune airfield in East Lothian, but a very different kind of flying machine - the microlight. With an open cockpit, it's a great way to enjoy the scenery if you have a head for heights!
Avril Irvine looks after the helicopter flights at Sumburgh but an unusual thick fog has enveloped the airport and the rigs offshore, which is playing havoc with the schedules.
And at Dundee Aiport, where Tayside Aviation is based, director Jim Watt's favourite plane is of a very different vintage from the modern aircraft they use to train new pilots - it's his own tail dragger, the Bird Dog.
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Chan e plèanaichean beaga à bhaisteach a chì thu an seo
Duration: 03:06
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Patricia Macleod |
Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Camera Operator | Scott Brown |
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