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Episode 4

An tèid aig an sgioba air crìoch a chur air a' phròiseact ann an ùine? DIY programme. Donnie and the team are under pressure to complete the work in time for opening day.

Anns a' phrògram seo, tha Donnie 's an sgioba fo uallach agus aca ris a' centre fhosgladh às ùr feasgar Dimàirt. Tha turadh ann agus tha a h-uile duine ag obair aig peilear am beatha. Tha an dealan a' dol air ais air air feadh an togalaich, tha roughcast a' dol air taobh a-muigh na rumannan ùra ach tha na peantairean air dheireadh chun na h-ìre 's gu bheil gach neach bho na plumairean gu na clachairean le bruis pheant nan làimh. Agus a dh'aindeoin gach nì, tha spòrs agus fealla-dhà gu leòr fhathast fa-near dhaibh, fiù 's leis an ùine cho teann!

In this programme, Donnie and the team are under pressure to complete the work and open the centre on Tuesday afternoon. The rain has stopped and the tradesmen are busy inside and out in order to meet their deadline. The electrical supply is switched back on, the new front of the building is roughcasted, but the painters are struggling to complete all of the internal and external walls. However, team spirit hopes to overcome this with everyone from plumbers to brickies lending a helping hand and joining in the race to the finish!

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donnie Macleod


Companaidhean agus daoine a chuidich agus a ghabh pàirt anns An Dùbhlan

Companies and individuals who contributed to An Dùbhlan.