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Tuil air a' Chreag

Tha tuil ann am faiche nam buthaidean. Oona and Baba go on a sleepover with May after their burrow is flooded.

Tha tuil san fhaiche 's feumaidh na buthaidean beaga dhol a dh'fhuireach cuide ri May gus an tig an sgrios a chΓ radh. Ach ged 's e beachd spΓ²rsail a th' ann an toiseach, tha Baba a' fΓ s rudeigin mi-chinnteach mu bhith cadal air falbh on taigh.

The puffin burrow has been flooded and May invites the little pufflings to come and stay with her until the mess is fixed. Although there's excitement and merriment at first, Baba soon becomes unsure about sleeping so far from home.

7 minutes
