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A short reflection and prayer with Rev Dr Lesley Carroll.

2 minutes

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Thu 3 Aug 2017 05:43

Prayer for the Day Script - Rev Dr Lesley Carroll

Good Morning.Β 
On this day in 1926 traffic lights were first installed on Piccadilly Circus. Now I have no idea when traffic lights came to a junction near me but I know that on those occasions when they stop working, confusion reigns with people impatient to get somewhere, emergency services quite paralysed and the emergence of road rage. And if every traffic light in Belfast stopped working , or had never been invented, can you imagine the total chaos?Β 
Chaos imposed on us by disaster or chaos that arises within us is a terrible thing. I remember doing an exercise at a course many years ago. We stood in a circle, about 10 of us. We each had a bean bag and a partner and we tossed the bean bag to each other.  It was simple, apart from for the occasional butter fingers. Then we were told to toss our bean bags and at the same time start turning on the spot. Suddenly the air was full of flying bean bags and none of us knew which one was coming our way or where exactly our partner was. . It was a salutary lesson in what it feels like to be caught up in chaos. No time to stop and think. No time to work out where to move to next. We don’t know when to stop and we don’t know when to go.
Traffic lights can and do impose a pattern for finding our way through chaos on the road, telling us when us to stop, to get ready and to go.. Chaos in our lives can be more difficult and yet Β the principle may be the same Β Β 
Lord, give us to know when to stop, when to get ready and the time to move on. Amen


  • Thu 3 Aug 2017 05:43

"Time is passing strangely these days..."

"Time is passing strangely these days..."

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