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Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. The History Hunters focus on outer space.
An-diugh, bidh Calum Dòmhnallach, Kerry Anne Nicleòid agus na Sealgairean Spòrsail a' toirt sùil dhan fhà nas. Faigh a-mach mu innealan a thug buaidh air teicneòlas fà nais a tha sinn fhathast a' cleachdadh, mar uidheaman gun chà ball agus biadh reòthte tiormaichte.
Bidh na Sealgairean Spòrsail a' togail rocaid dhaibh fhèin, a' leantainn prionnsabail sruth-chruthachd gus am bi an cruth as fheà rr oirre son sgèith tron èadhar. Feumaidh iad pìob phlastaig, pà ipear agus cairt-bhòrd son toiseach tòiseachaidh. Bidh iad cuideachd a' rannsachadh mar a tha meanbh-iom-tharraing ag obair ann am fà nas. Air ais san stiùidio, tha Calum agus Kerry Anne gan sgeadachadh fhèin ann an aodach fà nais agus a' cleachdadh bailiùn còmhdaichte le foidhl gus obrachadh a-mach dè th' ann an toll-dubh.
Today's focus is on outer space. Find out how things work and discover the history of developments invented for space travel which we still use today, like cordless power tools and freeze dried food.
The History Hunters make their own rocket using the principles of aerodynamics to make sure it's the best shape to fly through the air. First, they'll need some plastic piping, paper and cardboard. The second challenge examines how microgravity works in space.
Back in the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne get dressed up in space gear and use a balloon wrapped in foil to work out what a black hole is.
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Duration: 02:35
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