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MΓ thair nan Seachd Eagail

Tha Otto a-nis a' fuireach cuide ri na Watsons. Luke comes home to an unexpected guest as Otto moves in with the Watsons.

A' teicheadh à Talla Sneer, tha Otto a' dèanamh air taigh na Watson's 's e suileachadh fuireach cuide riutha. Ge-tà, chan eil Luke cho deònach gabhail ris a leithid 's e coimhead son dòigh cuidhteas fhaighinn air an aoigh aca!

Escaping Sneer Hall, Otto heads for the Watsons' house and makes himself quite at home. However, Luke isn't so keen on the idea and so plans a way to get rid of his unwanted houseguest.

11 minutes
