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Episode 15

Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. Travel back to medieval times with Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters.

Sùil aotrom air eachdraidh cuide ri Calum Dòmhnallach agus Kerry Anne Nicleòid. An-diugh, dòigh-beatha is innleachdan nam Meadhan Aoisean le fiosrachadh annasach, beò-dhealbhaidhean agus clann a' rannsachadh buaidh innleachdan bho shean air ar saoghal an-diugh.

Travel back to medieval times as Calum Macdonald and Kerry Anne Macleod continue to bring history to life with fun facts, animations and experiments which show how inventions and discoveries from ancient times helped shape our everyday lives.

Medieval comes from the Latin word for middle and describes a time just after the Romans and directly before the Renaissance. That's why it's sometimes called the Middle Ages.

In today's programme, the History Hunters prepare for a medieval party by making special wax seals to keep their party invitations safe from prying eyes. The Hunters also investigate how wind was used to harness power in the Middle Ages. To do this they use a milk carton windmill with a cork and string winch.

Back in the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne look at how the stained glass windows of the time were made and why they were used and tell us all about medieval punishments!

24 minutes

