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Episode 9

Ceòl bho Perthshire Amber le òrain is ceòl bho Dougie MacLean. Dougie MacLean performs at the 2016 Perthshire Amber.

Gach foghar bidh luchd-leantainn chiùil bho air feadh an t-saoghail a' dèanamh air Perthshire Amber. Thairis air an t-sreath chithear is cluinnear sàr luchd-ciùil is seinneadairean ann an diofar tallaichean-ciùil nam measg Dallahan, The Mae Trio (à Astràilia), Karine Polwart, Bella Hardy, Rura is Dougie MacLean fhèin.

Each autumn music fans from across the globe flock to Scotland to enjoy Perthshire Amber. Across the series we join some wonderfully talented musicians and singers from far and near including Dallahan, The Mae Trio (from Australia), singer/songwriter Karine Polwart, Bella Hardy, Rura and Dougie MacLean.

18 minutes
