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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 8

Anna MacLeod talks to guests Dolina MacLennan and Helen MacInnes about their favourite books.

Anns an treas sreath de Leugh Mi bidh Anna Nicleòid a' còmhradh ri dithis neach gach seachdain mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Bidh Dolina NicIllinnein a' bruidhinn air dualchas na h-Alba le nobhail mu bheatha Marion Angus, bàrd à Cataibh, agus air leabhar 'cunnartach,' a rèir Anna, oir tha e doirbh a chur sìos, dè eile, ach cruinneachadh de Seann Fhacail.

Gheibhear iomradh bho Eilidh NicAonghais mun t-siubhal a rinn i agus a' bhuaidh a th' aig seo air dè tha i leughadh. A bharrachd air bruidhinn mu thrì de na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha tha gach duine air aon dhiubh sin a mholadh dha chèile 'son a leughadh agus gheibh sinn a-mach anns a' phrògram co- dhiù an do chòrd na leabhraichean riutha - neo nach do chòrd!

In the third series of Leugh Mi, Anna Macleod is in conversation with two guests each week about their favourite books. Dolina MacLennan's choices reflect Scottish heritage, with a novel based on the life of Sutherland-born poet Marion Angus and a collection of Gaelic proverbs which Anna describes as a 'dangerous' book, as it proves difficult to put down once you pick it up.

Helen MacInnes speaks about her love of travel and how this influences her reading choice. As well as discussing their favourite books each guest will have chosen a book for the other to read and we'll find out in the programme whether they enjoyed it - or not!

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Anna MacLeod
