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Charaka, Aryabhata, Rajaraja Chola and Basavana

Professor Sunil Khilnani presents four more audio portraits of figures who have shaped the arc of Indian history: Charaka, Aryabhata, Rajaraja Chola and Basavana.

An omnibus edition of Professor Sunil Khilnani's audio portraits of figures who have shaped the arc of Indian history over two thousand years.

He begins with a visit to a modern-day clinic which follows the practises set out by Charaka, a medical pioneer whose handbook is still widely in use. His text, known as the Charaka Samhita or 'Compendium of Charaka', is an encyclopaedic work covering different aspects of health and how to live a good life.

He stays in the world of science and medicine with a look at Aryabhata, a mathematician and astronomer whose work, in the fifth or six century, predates some of the discoveries made in the West many years later.

His next subject takes us to the land of the Tamils in the South East India. Rajaraja Chola was a cult-figure and self-styled king of kings who ordered the construction of one of India's most magnificent temples built around the 11th. Some see the period of his reign and that of his son Rajendra as the era when the centre of gravity of Indian history moved southwards.

He ends on a poetic note with a portrait of Basavana, a religious guru whose words have inspired many writers today'

Produced by Mark Savage.

Available now

58 minutes


  • Fri 4 Nov 2016 21:00

Remarkable individuals who shaped India, and sometimes the world.

Remarkable individuals who shaped India, and sometimes the world.

Professor Sunil Khilnani introduces the second series of Incarnations.

Incarnations - The Podcast

Download all the episodes from the series and listen at your leisure.

Incarnations: Art and Music

The artists who created the illustrations and music for the series.
