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Taibhs na h-Uamha/The Legend of the Saw-Toothed Cave

Tha na cuileanan air misean eagallach 's iad a dèanamh an slighe gu uamh na taibhse. The young cubs set off on a daring mission to the apparently haunted Saw-Toothed Cave.

Fad linntean, tha na madaidhean air a bhith air an clisgeadh ron Choille Dhubharaich agus uamh na taibhse. Ged a tha iad air iomadach rabhadh a chluinntinn mun àite, tha na cuileanan airson 's gum faigh na madaidhean a bhith saor sa choille a-rithist. Ge-tà, 's ann a tha Isean a' faighinn a-mach g' eil na sgeulachdan uile fìor 's gur ann aige fhèin 's na cuileanan eile a tha an comas am rùn-dìomhair fhuasgladh.

For decades, the wolves have been afraid of entering Shadow Forest and its mysterious, haunted Saw-Toothed Cave. However, despite numerous warnings, the cubs set out to reclaim the forest for the wolves, only to discover that the legend of Saw-Toothed Cave is real and that they, themselves may hold the key to unlocking its mystery.

45 minutes
