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Last of a six-part documentary following the transformation of Lews Castle from semi-ruin to state-of-the-art heritage and hospitality centrepiece.

Tha Dualchas a' Chaisteil a' leantainn turas Caisteal Leòdhais a bha uair na thogalach uasal Bhictòrionach ach a thuit às a chèile, agus e a-nis ag atharrachadh gu taigh-tasgaidh spaideil dualchasach sònraichte, agus ionad aoigheachd sònraichte. Bliadhna na b' anmoiche na bhathar an dùil tha an dreach ùr àlainn de Chaisteal Leòdhais agus Museum nan Eilean deiseil son fosgladh. Tha an t-àite gu trang leis an ullachadh mu dheireadh airson an là mhòr.

Anns a' chaisteal tha luchd-obrach a' chafaidh ùir agus cuideachd neach no dhà air a bheil sinn eòlach nam boil agus iad a' dèanamh deiseil. Chan eil dàil no dhà aig a' mhionaid mu dheireadh na annas, ach le là mòr an fhosglaidh a' teannadh dlùth, chan eil e coltach ris an deireadh idir - ach toiseach-tòiseachaidh ùr.

The Castle follows the transformation of towering Victorian vision Lews Castle from semi-ruin to a landmark Art Heritage and a Hospitality centre-piece. A year later than planned the spectacular new Lews Castle and Museum nan Eilean are finally ready to open. It's a hive of activity on site as final preparations take place for the big day.

In the castle, new cafe and kitchen staff are frantically learning the ropes and some more familiar faces are being put through their paces too. A few last-minute glitches are to be expected but as opening day dawns it doesn't feel like the end - its feels like just the beginning.

29 minutes
