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An Cuan Sèimh/The Pacific Ocean

Sùil aotrom air eachdraidh: an-diugh, cultar is innleachdan Tùsanaich Astràilia. A look at the historic civilisation of the Polynesian Islands.

Sealladh air eachdraidh Eileanan Phoilinìsia cuide ri Calum, Kerry Anne agus na Sealgairean Spòrsail. Sa phrògram tha fiosrachadh annasach, beò-dhealbhaidhean is clann a' rannsachadh buaidh innleachdan o shean air ar saoghal. 'S e Poilinìsia as motha de na trì prìomh sgìrean cultarach sa Chuan Shèimh. Tha am facal a' ciallachadh 'tòrr eileanan' is tha a dhualchas fhèin aig gach fear. Bhitear a' siubhal eadar eileanan ann an canùthan air an dèanamh à stuthan a bha ri làimh mar stuic craobhan. Chan fhaod na Sealgairean beantainn ri craobh agus iad a' dealbh canù Cuan Sèimh le pòlaichean outrigger. Bhiodh mataichean air am fighe à duilleagan pailme gan cleachdadh son deas-ghnàthan is mar phreusantan. Leanaidh na Sealgairean pàtrain thraidiseanta gus mat-bùird fhighe à pàipear airson preusant a dhèanamh dha mam. San stiùidio, tha Calum agus Kerry Anne a' sealltainn dà dhòigh air fàilte a chur air daoine - a' honi is blàth-fhleasg Hawaianach air a bheil lei.

Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters bring history to life in the Polynesian Islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Polynesia is the largest of three major cultural areas in the Pacific. The word means 'many islands', and each has its own customs and traditions. Historically, Pacific Islanders travelled between islands in canoes made from available materials like hollowed-out trees. The History Hunters don't have access to tree trunks but set about making their own Pacific-style canoe, complete with an
outrigger for balance.

Woven palm-leaf placemats were used in ceremonies and as special gifts, so the Hunters replicate traditional Pacific weaving patterns to make a recycled-paper placemat - a super present for mum.
In the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne look at two Polynesian greetings - the honi and a Hawaiian welcome garland called a lei.

23 minutes


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