Episode 2
Second of a six-part documentary following the transformation of Lews Castle from semi-ruin to state-of-the-art heritage and hospitality centrepiece.
Tha Dualchas a' Chaisteil a' leantainn turas Caisteal Leòdhais a bha uair na thogalach uasal Bhictòrionach ach a thuit às a chèile, agus e a-nis ag atharrachadh gu togalach spaideil dualchasach ùr-ghnà thach, agus ionad aoigheachd sònraichte. Fhad 's a tha an luchd-obrach ag ullachadh nan ceudan de ghnothaichean eachdraidheil airson an togalaich ùir, tha an sgioba
togail aig là rach a' chaisteil fo uallaich.
Tha cuid den fheadhainn òg ag ionnsachadh cuid de cleasan a' chiùird - agus cuid nach eil buileach cho òg. Tha Stan, an glainneadair, a' faighinn leasan no dhà nach eilear an dùil mu phlà sdradh mar tiodhlac son an 60mh co-là -breith aige -dìreach mus feuch an sgioba aige mullaichean gloinne a chur an sàs os cionn a' chafaidh agus an taigh-tasgaidh ùr. Bhiodh gluasad ceà rr sam bith na bhuille chruaidh dhan pròiseact ùrachaidh.
The Castle follows the transformation of towering Victorian vision Lews Castle from semi-ruin to State of the Art Heritage and Hospitality centrepiece. As Museum staff prepare hundreds of historic artefacts for their anticipated new building, the workers on site at Lews Castle are feeling the pressure.
Some young apprentices are learning the tricks of the trade - and some not so young ones too. Stan the glazier gets some unplanned plastering tips as a 60th birthday gift before his team attempts to install glass roofs over the new café and museum. One false move would be a major setback for the renovation project.
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