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Children's series. Layla from Glasgow shares her favourite hobbies, which include playing in the garden with her dog, playing the keyboard and helping dad with his rally car.

Tha Layla à Glaschu ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leatha. Nam measg tha a bhith a-muigh sa ghàrradh cuide ri Bràigh, a' cluich a' mheur-chlàr agus a' cuideachadh dadaidh ag obair air a' chàr-rèisidh. 'S e trèanadh neach-teasairginn an cur-seachad as fheàrr leatha.

Layla from Glasgow tells us about her favourite hobbies which include playing in the garden with her dog, BrΓ igh, playing the keyboard and helping dad with the rally car. Rookie lifeguard training is her favourite hobby.

5 minutes
