Iain agus an craoladair Catriona 'Ruadh' Nic a' Phì. Tha Catriona air tilleadh gu foghlum bho chionn ghoirid. John Carmichael chats to broadcaster Catriona MacPhee.
Dà uair a thìde de shà r cheòl is còmhradh cuide ri Iain Mac 'ille Mhìcheil, a' craoladh beò à stiùidio a' BhBC ann an Glaschu. Bidh Iain a' cur fà ilte an t-seachdain-sa air Catriona 'Ruadh' Nic a' Phì, craoladair air am bheil na Gà idheil eòlach gu h-à raid 's dòcha bho'n t-sreath phrògraman telebhisein Farpais Choin Chaorach. Rugadh is thogadh Catriona ann an Glaschu far am bheil ì fhathast a' fuireachd, ged a tha freumhan dlùth teaghlaich aice ann an Uibhist a Deas. Bho chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean, thill Catriona gu foghlum - agus chan eil fada bho choisinn ì ceum le Urram bho Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
Cluinnidh sinn seanchas Chatriona agus ceithir de na ròghainnean ciùil pearsanta aice. Mar is à bhaist cuideachd, bith measgachadh math de cheòl is òrain air a thaghadh dhuinn le Iain fhèin, a' toirt a-steach cuid de na guthan 'country' is fheà rr a th'ann.
Two hours of chat and music with John Carmichael broadcasting LIVE from the Â鶹ԼÅÄ studios in Glasgow. John welcomes distinguished broadcaster Catriona MacPhee, who was born and raised in Glasgow but has strong family connections with South Uist. Catriona is often seen on Â鶹ԼÅÄ ALBA presenting coverage from the sheepdog competitions although she recently gained an Honours Degree from Glasgow University. During the show Catriona will reveal her 4 favourite pieces of music which will complement John's own running order chosen from Americana, folk, Celtic and country and western. Stand by for some old classics and newly released songs.
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Music Played
The Cockerel Set
- Atlantic Roar.
- 004.
Terri Clark
You're Easy On The Eyes
- The Definitive Collection.
- 008.
Alan Jackson & Martina McBride
Never Loved Before
- Good Time.
- 011.
Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott
Angel's Blue Eyes
- Memories And Moments.
- 012.
Elvis Presley
Mystery Train
- For LP Fans Only.
- RCA.
The High Bar Gang
Red Wicked Wine
- Someday The Heart Will Trouble The Mind.
- 9.
Deacon Blue
Fergus Sings The Blues
- Deacon Blue- Our Town (Greatest Hits).
- Columbia.
Buck Owens
Foolin' Around
- PRMCD6152_CD1.
- 017.
Emmylou Harris
Together Again
- Are You Ready for the Country.
- 008.
Teddy Thompson
In My Arms
- Single.
- UCJ Music.
- 1.
Carrie Underwood
You're Lookin' At Country
- Coal Miner's Daughter: A Tribute To Loretta Lynn.
- 004.
The Neville Brothers
With God On Our Side
- With God On Our Side.
- A&M.
- 1.
Merle Haggard and The Strangers
Mama Tried
- Theme Time Radio Hour - CD2.
- 015.
Little Big Town
Pavement Ends
Nelson and Donella: Donella Beaton / Nelson Mandela's Welcome to the City of Glasgow
- An DÃ rna Umhail.
- 011.
Dolly Parton
In the Sweet By and By
- Little Sparrow.
- 013.
- Fri 1 Jul 2016 21:00Â鶹ԼÅÄ Radio nan Gà idheal