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Episode 7

Documentary series that goes behind the scenes at the airports across the Highlands and islands. In this episode, the fire team at Barra Airport prepares for an emergency exercise.

Anns an t-sreath seo chì sinn dè a bhios a' tachairt air cùl ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean tro shùilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta. An t-seachdain-sa, aig Port-adhair Bharraigh tha an luchd-smàlaidh ag ullachadh airson eacarsaich èiginn far a bheil mas fhiar tubaist itealain air tachairt air pìos fearainn aig ceann thall an Tràigh Mhòr.

Tha daoine às a' choimhearsnachd a' leigeil orra gu robh iad anns an tubaist agus tha na seirbheisean èiginn a' tighinn sa bhad. Aig Port-adhair an t-Òbain bith dusan turas aig pìleat Friseal Sim anns an latha - a' sgèith eadar an t-Òban, Tiriodh agus Colla. 'S e Iain A Moireasdan (Nangie) a tha an urra ris na tha a' dol air adhart aig Port-adhair Cholla. Agus tha luchd-smàlaidh Sumburgh ann a Sealtainn air fios fhaighinn gu bheil itealan a' tighinn a-steach a dh'fheumas treòrachadh.

This series gives viewers a behind the scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and Islands, through the eyes of the people who work there.

In this programme, the fire team at Barra Airport prepares for an emergency exercise where a plane has supposedly come down on land at the far side of the beach runway. People from the local community volunteer to be the stricken passengers, and the emergency services are quickly on the scene.

At Oban Airport, pilot Fraser Sim has 12 flight rotations today, island hopping between Oban, Tiree and Coll. Iain A Morrison (Nangie) is in charge of air traffic information at Coll. Today an extra flight has been put on to take the schoolchildren who had been delayed by bad weather across to school in Oban. And the firefighters at Sumburgh Airport in Shetland are on marshaling duty, guiding incoming planes to the right gate.

29 minutes
